BatchLine POS is the only stock management system in the industry to be run solely for the benefit of booksellers. Using it means you will see P&A from key suppliers; enjoy direct ordering facilities to the UK and Ireland's leading distributors; benefit from an analysis tool that collates and extracts your bookshop data; have the option to integrate a Dojo card reader with your till, and much more. Subs begin at around £12 a week for a single installation with no upfront costs except the kit. As part of the BA, our role is to help booksellers to make the right choices, so contact us for a chat with a current user/BA mentor or to arrange an online demo with a BatchLine technician.

“I love using BatchLine. It’s an incredibly user-friendly way of replenishing from sales and its reports are a mine of information. The support team are great, too.” Tom Rowley, Backstory, Balham

Below: BatchLine v.5.3 displays price and availability information from leading suppliers, such as Penguin Random House, plus your bookshop stock and Edelweiss data.

* See price & availability from leading suppliers, plus Gardners' promo and rights restricted data.
* Search the Gardners website for books, build a list then send your orders electronically from within BatchLine.
* Direct ordering to key UK and Irish suppliers puts you in control of where to source stock.
* Subscribers in Ireland can take advantage of the currency convertor and print out barcodes in Euros.
* Organise your stock with auto-categorisation using Thema codes.
* Create your own categories for non-book stock from cards to candles and import those non-book items into inventory.
* Integrate with National Book Tokens and you’ll no longer need to interrupt a sale to visit the NBT website. 
* Complete goods-in by automatic invoice processing, plus scan and auto-check.
* Reward customers with gift and loyalty cards.
* Sign up to the low-cost web exporter + plugin option to export data to a transactional websites.
* Benefit from our links to Edelweiss and Book Scan.
* Make the most of our custom reports or run the analysis tool to see exactly how your bookshop is performing.
* Link your till to a Dojo card reader to eliminate costly keying errors and give customers a seamless experience.
* Backed by the Booksellers Association, pricing is flexible and fair with no onerous contracts.

BatchLine versions

Latest version 5.3: BatchLine subscribers can now download the best version yet and enjoy:
* Completely new and revised title search screens with P&A from additional suppliers.
* New Macmillan Hotline option
* Improved stocktake user interface and stock discrepancy functions
* Plus other improvements and tweaks

To read about the features of some previous versions here:
* BatchLine 5.1 (March 2024) Download the options for converting RRP prices to Euros: Currency Convertor
* BatchLine 5.3 (November 2024) 
⇒ Generic installation instructions for all updates

It is your choice whether to use the software with or without a touch screen, and we can advise on a suitable cash drawer, scanner, printer and PC. Our recommended suppliers are Laptops Direct for Lenovo PCs and Barcodes for Business, who have a dedicated BatchLine page.


Batch Ltd & BatchLine POS
6 Bell Yard

Switchboard: +44 (0)203 832 2430
Fax: +44 (0)20 7430 9559

BA Group


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